Resolution on NASS Support of .GOV Use by SLTT Governments
WHEREAS, websites of state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments are trusted sources of public information;
WHEREAS, NASS members manage websites which provide important information to the public on voter registration, elections, business registration, business licensing, and state archiving and recordkeeping;
WHEREAS, SLTT websites have been targeted by bad actors and fraudulent websites have been used to disseminate disinformation;
WHEREAS, NASS members take seriously their role in countering cyber threats, misinformation, and disinformation and recognize that part of this role includes implementing security measures on the websites they manage and helping to educate local government partners on website security;
WHEREAS, NASS members acknowledge that security and user-confidence benefits come with use of the .gov domain;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Association of Secretaries of State supports the use of the .gov domain by SLTT governments.
Resolution Sponsors:
- Hon. Paul Pate, Iowa (R)
- Hon. Jim Condos, Vermont (D)
- Hon. Connie Lawson, Indiana (R)
- Hon. Elaine Marshall, North Carolina (D)
Originally Adopted: February 2020
Reauthorized: February 2025
Expires: Winter 2030