Apostilles/Document Authentication Services

To request an apostille, you will need to contact the state that issued the legal document that you are looking to certify for international use.  

Please select the state or territory that you need to contact for apostille/document authentication assistance from the drop-down menu, below:



The U.S. Department of State's Office of Authentications performs document review by accepting document drop-offs 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM, Monday - Friday (except federal holidays).

  • Authentication staff will receive documents for review only during this period. Documents accepted during the 8 - 9 AM drop off time will be processed and returned within one to three business days.
  • Customers who drop off documents will receive a receipt and a pick-up date at the time documents are received.
  • To claim your documents, please return no earlier than the cited date between 8 AM and 9 AM to pick up your completed certificate(s).
  • The office will not accept requests that do not meet the criteria for Authentication/ Apostille or are missing supporting documentation for processing.  An Authentications staff member will contact customers who drop off incomplete or ineligible requests.
  • Customers must present proof of identification (valid national passport or state-issued photo ID or driver’s license) when submitting documents.
  • Third-party requestors (commercial couriers or people submitting documents for authentication on behalf of others) must also present written authorization from request originator(s) to act on their behalf when submitting documents for review.
  • The office will only offer same-day appointments and service to individuals and third parties for documented:

o Life-or-death emergencies (urgent illness, injury, death of immediate family member or prospective adoptee).

o Tangible proof of travel within 48 hours of submission.

o U.S. Federal Agencies’ Official Business.

o Deportation verification.

These customers will be given a receipt with a same-day appointment time when they submit their documents.

Questions? Contact the U.S. Department of State's Office of Authentications at 202-485-8000.  Physical address:  600 19th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006.

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