NASS Statement on 10/1 Virtual Meeting with USPS Postmaster General

For Immediate Release
Oct. 1, 2024

Washington, D.C. — As a follow-up to the recent letter to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) from the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), National Association of State Election Di­rectors (NASED), and local election officials, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was asked to join a virtual meeting for the NASS Elections Committee.

Due to the structure of today’s meeting, Postmaster DeJoy did not engage in an active dialogue with Secretaries of State. NASS and its members encourage more direct communications moving forward. For instance, before the 2020 election, NASS held a similar meeting and members were able to ask questions in real-time of the Postmaster, which allowed for more efficient and produc­tive discussions.

“A more open meeting with Postmaster DeJoy would have allowed us to further emphasize the concerns Chief Election Officials have. There are numerous unresolved issues, and we simply need more specifics on the solutions he has proposed. With only 35 days until the general elec­tion, we very much hope to continue this dialogue with USPS,” said Steve Simon, NASS President and Minnesota Secretary of State. “Voters who choose to vote by mail should have the utmost confidence in the process because election officials are invested in our democracy and USPS has committed to do everything within their abilities to deliver ballots on time. We will continue to ramp up our education efforts around mail ballots, return methods and ballot tracking options.”

As the meeting concluded, Postmaster DeJoy offered to connect with Secretaries individually as needed on specific election-mail related issues they may be experiencing. NASS encourages our members to take him up on this offer. 

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Media Contact:
Maria Benson, Senior Director of Communications | 202-624-3528 |