NASS Warns of Voter Registration Scams and Election Misinformation

For Immediate Release — Oct. 5, 2018 —​​​​​​​

Washington, D.C. With the November midterm elections only a month away, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) would like to caution individuals to beware of potential voter registration scams and election misinformation.

NASS was notified by at least one state that received direct notification from their citizens that they were being solicited by “TurboVote” to provide sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) over the phone, in order to register to vote and be sent an absentee ballot. To be clear, this was an impersonation of TurboVote and the organization released this tweet and blog post in response. Please note, no state allows voter registration over the phone.

Election officials take misinformation and scams very seriously and have recently issued press releases to alert the public about the “TurboVote” scam and election misinformation as a whole.  

NASS has also partnered with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) and the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) to develop a one-page guide on how to ensure and secure the vote.

Your trusted source for any election-related information such as registering to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, voting, etc. is your state or local election official. To learn more about your state’s specific tools, deadlines and requirements for registering and ultimately voting, visit—a helpful nonpartisan website created by state election officials to provide eligible Americans with accurate information on how and where to go vote. This site takes you directly to your Secretary of State or Chief State Election Official’s website.

In addition, contact your state and local election officials immediately if you believe you are a victim of an election scam or if you receive false information about the upcoming elections.​​​​​​​

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Media Contact:
Maria (Dill) Benson, Director of Communications | 202-624-3528 |