
#TrustedInfo Initiative

#TrustedInfo is NASS's public education effort to promote election officials as the trusted sources of election information. The nation's Secretaries of State, 40 of whom serve as their state’s Chief Election Official, along with other state and local election officials are continuously working to inform eligible Americans about voter registration, voting methods, security, post-election procedures, and much more.

By driving voters directly to election officials’ websites, social media pages, and materials, they will be able to receive credible, timely information on each step of the elections process. Find your election official and other helpful information by visiting NASS's nonpartisan website canivote.org.

In Nov. 2019, NASS originally launched the campaign with the hashtag #TrustedInfo2020. NASS has updated the effort for each federal election cycle since with the #TrustedInfo2022 and #TrustedInfo2024 hashtags. In non-federal election years, the initiative operates under the hashtag #TrustedInfo. 

View the #TrustedInfo2024 wrap-up video featuring NASS President Steve Simon, Minnesota Secretary of State:

Follow NASS on social media (Facebook, X and Instagram) to see real-time #TrustedInfo updates from the association and our members. 

Helpful Chief Election Official Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Related Pages:

Additional National Resources:

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